Thursday, June 1, 2017


I left organized religion and shun traditional gender roles because I don't want to be told what to do.  I don't want to live by some massive list of rules and laws. I'm free. I take my freedom and make my decisions and I live with the consequences. To me, this is what being a feminist is about. You are free to make your own choices, no matter what others say. To me, this is what being liberal is about. You promote freedom.

I don't think this is what liberalism means for a lot of people. For them, it seems to mean ascribing new sets of rules and codes and laws. I'm not into that. I walked away from the traditional stuff because people were trying to dictate my behavior. They're still trying to dictate it now. I'm not going to be part of a new group that does the same thing.

I hate political correctness. I don't mean I hate it when people are polite. That's awesome. Having manners and treating people with civility is awesome. I hate the term political correctness because the Right uses it against the Left (even though the Right has its own very, VERY narrow definition of what is acceptable and what is not) and the Left keeps making more and more rules about it. Look, we need as little of this as possible. It's a good thing for people to express how they feel. It lets you know who to avoid.

Beyond that, I never want to be part of the Right because there are so many places where people would tell me what to wear, what to say, what job to have, how to conduct myself sexually, how to speak to others, how to act in public, how to express my humor. I want no damned part of that. And I will be damned if some aspects of the Left aren't trying to do the same thing. So long as we keep limiting what others do, we'll never really be free.

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