Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Curtains

As you may know, I live in a house I inherited from my grandmother. I'm poor so updates only happen when things break. Until that point, we're usually content to just leave stuff as is and occasionally speculate on how long it's been in the house. When things do break, we often have to get creative. Fortunately, we're good at that.

The bathroom has a window located in the wall of the bathtub/shower. I hate this because it means I can't just go get some generic tub surround and make the bathroom look better. It also means we have to contend with curtains because a girl doesn't want people snooping at her naked . . . not that anyone would.

Anyway, the curtains in there were waterproof-ish and purchased by my grandmother way back in who knows when. We left them in place, occasionally washing them to keep down any possible mold issues. In the last washing, they finally died.

My roommate's solution to this was excellent. He bought a thin shower curtain and cut it down to fit the window. This solves a number of problems as we know it's waterproof, easily handled while wet, and light enough to not cause any problems. It's also really cute, as he tends to pick out things that look nice and classy when in place. The best part of it is that he cut it just below a prominent pattern, which gives the illusion that it has a hem.

The bathroom is still ugly and in need of a lot of work, but just adding that new curtain helps it a lot. It really is true that even changing the smallest detail can make a difference.

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