Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Brah, it was 12 degrees this morning and I had to be out in it. Madness! It's not a lot warmer now, but at least it's some better. Dang though, that was bad.  At least Blair heats up well. By the time I got to where I was going, I wasn't frozen. I thought a lot about how bad things could have gotten if I blew I tire or something though. Kinda not liking that winter decided to take itself seriously.

I'm leaving the game I've been playing for a while. Things are falling apart in the Guild and in private messages, things got weird with some people. It's the third time this has happened in this game. I'm sure given the constant comments I hear from everyone, the fact that I'm removing myself from the situation will make them all shit-happy, but on a personal note, it pisses me off that I'm walking because things got weird and not because I felt it was really time to go. Oh well.

I also found out that GRRM wrote another short story set in the ASOIAF world and I . . .  just kind of don't care. That's actually several shorts he's written while not writing the last books and I'm finding I'm rather over it.

I may or may not go outside tomorrow. It is seriously that cold.

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