Monday, January 8, 2018

How They Win

On one of my private FB groups, there was a post and a man not in the group somehow found out about it and started harassing the two women who spoke about him. Now, this is a private group, so clearly there was a leak. People got angry about this, but I really don't think any of the women in the group told him.

More than likely, this man got on one of those women's computers or phones and started reading their FB details. It was probably a woman he'd decided to target next and what better way to do it than to make all the women around her believe she'd betrayed them?

It's a common tactic with abusers. If you meet someone and they start criticizing the people around you, your friends and family, or setting up tension between you and those people, this is someone who is trying to isolate and abuse you. If this person manipulates situations to where mistrust forms between you and others, this person is trying to isolate and abuse you.

IF someone truly wants the best for you, they want you to have friends. They want you to have activities. They want you to be around the people you love. They want you to have a full and happy life outside of them. If they don't, well, again, they're trying to isolate and abuse you.

Don't fall for it.

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