Friday, January 5, 2018

First Friday

We made it through the first work week of the new year. My roommate had an issue with a company that is supposed to do a service but somehow seems incapable of doing so. Speaking of companies that seem incapable of doing their jobs, I'd like to document that the cable has blipped out almost every day this week. That's something no one needs. I like a steady flow of my sweet, sweet internet.

Anyway, I did a Random 30 on Facebook. Thought I'd post it here too.

30 Random Facts

1. Do you make your bed every day? Ffffff. Hahahaha. NOPE.
2. What's your favorite number? 4 and it always has been. I like 8 too because she is four's double and closest ally.
3. What is your favorite color? Red. And yes, I love red fours the most.
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Oh always.
5. Can you parallel park? They invented technology so people don't have to do that anymore.
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked to know you have had: child tender.
7. Do you think aliens exist? I do. I also assume they want nothing to do with us.
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Again, they have tech so people don't have to do this.
9. Guilty pleasure? A show called Hot T where drag queens laugh about celebrity gossip.
10. Favorite childhood game? Monopoly.
11. Do you talk to yourself? Best company.
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Love them.
13. Favorite music? Usually something that's at least 30 years old . . . however, I do find good newer bands all the time. However again, most of them sound like they're 30 yr old bands.
14. Coffee or tea? Both, really.
15. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? Playwright
16. Favorite Season? Fall. We're past the evils of summer heat and not to the evils of bitter winter cold.
17. Truck or Car? Car
18. Steak or salad? Both
19. Cat or dog? Both
20. The most influential person from your childhood? A writer and I later found out said writer was a pedophile. This really messes with me.
21. Crafty or all thumbs? Crafty
22. Biggest fear? Drowning. I have trouble even doing underwater levels in video games. It's strange because I love swimming.
23. Pessimist or optimist? Neither.
24. Favorite Holiday? Halloween
25. Mountains or ocean? Ocean
26. People person? It's not that I hate people, I just hate their emotions, opinions, thoughts, actions, and drama.
27. White milk or Dark chocolate? Milk. I'm kind of over dark chocolate.
28. Do you like to cook? I do but I'm not the primary cook in my home. I like discussing recipes though.
29. Night owl or morning person? Night owl 100%
30. Flannel sheets in the winter? No. How did we come back to a question about beds?

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