Friday, January 19, 2018


I was watching an interview with the queens from Rupaul's All Stars Season 3. One of the questions they were asked was advice they would give to younger people. They said various things, but it boiled down to a fundamental point. "Find your tribe, but depend on yourself the most when it comes to loving you."

I wish, as a society, this was taught more. Love you. Love who you are, the good, the bad, the flawed, the horrible. Work on improvement, yes, but don't deny yourself love because you're not where you need to be yet.

I read about so many people who seem to be lonely. They want lovers. They want friends. They want companionship. I just wish these people would realize that we can never truly rely on anyone else to fulfill us. It isn't that other people are awful or selfish (though, yeah, some of them are), it's that other people are PEOPLE, with their own pain and their own struggles and their own very finite energy.

You have to love you. You have to sooth you. You have to find ways to keep you interested. You have to find moments of joy.

The main problem with trying to find someone else to make you happy is that while you're searching for them, you're often not seeing everything else. You're not hearing the songs in your head. You're not thinking about the feel of your own skin. Stop. Focus on what is happening around you right now.

You're amazing, but you don't need me to tell you that. You need to tell you that. You need to believe that. You need to love who you are and find peace within yourself. Find contentment in your life.

Oh, and yes, I need to do this too. We all do.

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