Saturday, January 20, 2018

Mask from the Recent Past

I realized today that I never talked about a certain odd experience I had over the holidays. In my stocking, my step-mother had given me one of those face masks that are so popular right now. I was seriously excited about this because I'd heard good things. In fact, I think this mask was one of the things I was most excited about because I'd had no idea I'd get it.

Unfortunately, I think I screwed it up. Later on, I found out that people usually put these in the fridge for a while before they use them. There is a certain level of cool temp that helps the mask do what it's supposed to do.

I um....left mine on top of my computer......

By the time I opened it, its various slimes and juices were rather loose. I had trouble getting it to stay in one direction and ended up ripping part of it as it went onto my face. Oh, I also managed to get slime everywhere in the process.

Even if I'd left it in the fridge, I'm not sure if I would have liked it any better. I hated the way it felt on my face. For one thing, it was freezing cold and whatever various herbs and spices it started to sting me. I felt twitchy and uncomfortable the whole time. My head was at a weird angle and it smelled like I had some kind of slime-covered organic hippie salad on my face. I held on as long as I could, then peeled the thing off.

As near as I could tell, it did no good.

All in all, it was a pretty awful experience. I'm not saying I'd never do another mask though. After all, I didn't do this one properly and it wasn't one of my choosing. I'm not sure what this one was supposed to accomplish (besides stinging me) so I'm not sure if there were results or not. However, if the next mask I do is as awful as this one, that is certainly the end of it for me.

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