Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Marching On

We're heading toward the middle of March and that is going to be weird this year. Last year, the last part of March was the second verse to a very difficult dirge for my household. The first part happened when I had to take Rhiannon to the vet to be put to sleep. This second part as when my roommate got very ill and had to be hospitalized. I worried I would lose him too. I didn't, though we had a last verse to the song yet to come.

Things are different this year. We have a new cat, though I sometimes wonder if Camilla will stay with us once it's warm outside and she can find cracks in the screen doors that never quite close properly. I'm typing with stronger, longer fingernails as I've started learning to take care of and style them. I'm also recovering from my fall, the most serious one I've had in a long time. It's actually a big blessing that I didn't end up in the hospital myself. I'm really bruised up and cut in some places, but nothing broke.

My roommate and I have lived together since I was 28. In that time, we've survived major illness, learned to live with chronic ones, survived surgeries, taken in 7 cats (Julian, Salem, Rowen, Rhiannon, Alice, Tinkerbell, and now Camilla) and grieved the loss of 5 of them. He's also fed a lot of outdoor cats, birds, bees, and the occasional skunk and possum.

I realize I tend to function in a state of slight dread, but tonight I'm rather good. I'm grateful for the cats and other animals that have touched my life. I'm grateful for a mostly quiet and content household. I' even grateful Spring is almost here. I probably won't be when it gets hot, but for tonight, I am.

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