Sunday, February 2, 2020

A Weekend of Highs and Lows

After not doing much on Friday, I made up for it on Saturday. I finished off the last storage box of my winter clothes, did a macro-sorting on all of the yarn (meaning, I know where it all is, all of it is contained, and basically that's about it), and folded some laundry.

IN FACT, when I saw my basket of laundry, instead of feeling overwhelmed and annoyed, I felt an itch in my fingers to make it all folded and even. This is a good start. If only the folded clothes looked as good in reality as they do in my mind. I mean, they will (hopefully) with practice, but now they just look, well.....okay, listen, at least I folded them.

Anyway, despite doing all of that, I still had kind of a down night on Saturday. I was sore, for one thing, and kind of sniffly after all the yarn-touching. I felt like I wasn't making progress. I felt like I was just shifting junk from one container to the next.

Then I realized no matter what, I'm still doing a purge on my room and on some other things and it's STILL getting better. My room feels much nicer and even though this will take a long while and things are still rather filthy, at least it's better than it was a month ago. Progress, even the slowest of progress, is happening.

In my head, I know how I want my room to eventually look.

Wood tones: Dark
Surfaces of furniture: Dark to black, copper overlays, distressed.
Metal: Copper, antiqued
Colors: the tones of old paper, a lighter and then deeper green, burgundy.
Color for Contrast: Muted blues.

I think I can do this. Actually, I think I can do this without even spending much money if I just accept I have to do it slowly and with my own stuff. I may have to barter for a couple of things.

Anyway, clearly, I'm in a better mood. The weekend ended on a high.

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