Friday, February 28, 2020

Improved Function

I reorganized some storage containers to make room for some other things. I also reorganized my top 'catch all' drawer next to me. I'm still rethinking the stuff on my shelves. It may have to change again. I'm not sure yet.

There are more things working now than there were before. I have several things around me that are functioning in an organized and easy manner. This is progress. I mean, sure other things are still sliding and falling and being a bitch, but we're getting there.

Oh! I also talked to my SIL today and made arrangements to get rid of some family pictures and clothes hangers. This will clear out even more room in the house.

One experiment that didn't work was hanging that extra basket on my shelf. It just never really functioned like I needed it to. I removed it tonight. It's strange. That basket functioned so well in our last house but just doesn't seem to have a place here. I guess that happens sometimes.

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