Sunday, February 16, 2020


One of my Youtube obsessions is Living Big in a Tiny House. For one thing, I think Bryce Langston is adorable. For another, while I do not wish to live in a tiny house myself, I really admire what people can do with them. As much as I love the show just for architecture porn, sometimes it has these moments of so much more. This happened twice today.

In one episode, Bryce pointed out to the woman he was interviewing how it must be a joy to wake up in a home that was a product of her own hard work and creativity. She paused for a second and then got this joyous look on her face as she realized how true this was. It was beautiful.

In another episode, Bryce went to this woman's house and asked her what inspired her to build it. She told him that he had a lot to do with it because she's been watching his show for quite a while. Bryce is always fairly upbeat and gracious in his interviews, but in that moment, he really looked humbled by the idea that he could inspire someone so much. In its own way, it was the product of HIS hard work and dedication that had sparked this woman's new life. Given the level of passion he puts into the Tiny House Movement, this was neat to witness.

There is a LOT of ugliness out there in the world, but I will always always ALWAYS maintain that the true key to making that ugliness less ugly is with creativity. Art inspires. Art uplifts. Art offers freedom. It always will.

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