Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Small Changes

I added a cheap, task light strip to the top of my shelf today. My roommate installed it for me. It is already improving my living situation. The Shoulder Cat was DEEPLY ANGRY when the light was being installed. She's so spoiled.

One of my favorite comments that Marie Kondo made was that if things frustrate you while you're working on something, do a small thing to change the energy. She suggested lighting a candle or ringing a bell, putting on music or something like that. I think this is true in a more general way with your life. If something is frustrating you, stop doing it. Walk away, change your energy, consider it from another perspective, then tackle it again.

I'm kind of in the middle of that with this little shelf I tried to add to my larger shelf. In theory, it's a good idea and it would help things a lot. In practice, it's a pain and it isn't working at all. I'm thinking it may have to go, but I'm not sure yet.

Things are getting kind of unbearable around my chair. It's kind of been the holding ground for various projects, my bags, and some stuff I don't know what to do with as of yet. I think tomorrow I'm going to change that, as much as I can. I bet I find like three or four knitting needles on the floor.

I'll keep you posted.

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