Monday, February 10, 2020

An Actual Purchase

I got a little 3 in 1 light vac today. I mean, it's basically a glorified dustbuster, but still. It gathers up a lot of stuff and has decentish power. I'm going to keep it in my room and try to impress a quick vacuuming routine into my life.

It doesn't hold a lot, but enough to really gather up the nasties in the room. The best part is, it's very light. The oldass one we have is heavy and difficult for me to handle.

So tomorrow will be Floor Day. I also need to re-locate some stuff. Once I do that, things should start looking a lot better in the room.

I know I said I wasn't going to buy stuff for this project, but I see a vacuum as more of a general purchase. The bed, too, of course, will be purchased, but that is a NEED TO HAPPEN thing. It's been over ten years.

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