Friday, November 4, 2011

Blahdeblah Plus Freudian Slip

I've been knitting i cord for a few days now. I'm in the process of spiraling it together. I'm not sure for what purpose yet. However, I do find making spirals to be soothing, so if nothing else, that is the purpose.

I talked to my therapist about my nightmares and she thinks it has to do with the delayed time change. This wouldn't surprise me, as the delayed time change is made of evil and spite. I want my hour back, dammit! Oh well, at least it returns to me tomorrow night.

I've been trying to catch up with TV shows, though I am kind of in an annoyed place with some of them. I hate it when shows that are about single people suddenly switch to them being married people or, so far worse, people with children.  Children added to plots always screams one thing to me. "Hey guess what? We have run out of plot lines!"

If a show starts out with a collection of characters who are single, children are the Cousin Oliver of said show.

Someone once pointed out to me that the reason why these shows become focused on the children is because that is how things are in real life. I countered with the fact that it was the fuck NOT how things are in real life. In most people's lives, having kids doesn't change much about them at all. Oh, they may say it does and we have these built in mythologies around the idea that it does, but honestly, it doesn't.

I just wrote this really pessimistic paragraph about parenting, but then I looked at my pretty spiral and erased it.

I also sent out a message on Facebook last night that showed Christopher Walken. I meant to type "screamed and ran to hide" but instead I typed "creamed." I caught it before anyone else saw it and corrected the post. Thank god. No one wants to appear to be sexually attracted to Walken.

They put people in mental wards for that.

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