Monday, November 21, 2011


Okay, so I know my jaded cynical self can be pretty down on the concept of love.  I roll my eyes and sigh and think everyone is being silly.  I think tonight I know why I do this.

I watched The King's Speech.  There were many great things about this movie, but I think the best part was the relationship between Bertie and Liz.  They were truly supportive of each other.  They didn't harp on each other's flaws.  They acknowledged them and tried to help overcome them, but each person in the relationship knew they were loved no matter what, supported no matter what.

I think if there is any key to loving someone, it is the idea of giving them your support.  You give this support without strings, withing conditions, and without thinking you're owed something for doing it. You are loyal . . . not just physically loyal, but emotionally and mentally loyal to the relationship.

If you're thinking this could get you into a lot of trouble, by all means realize this can't be one-sided. Both people have to be loyal and supportive.

However, if you can find that, if you can find someone who smiles at you and tells you, "I believe in you," that is the best thing in the world. I assume.

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