Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pre-Thanksgiving Randoms

Hey, so I'm feeling better! Not 100%, but well enough to at least write a blog post! That's something, right? It's midnight thirty and I'm not that dizzy or feverish and sadly that is an improvement over the last couple of nights I've had. I may even be able to go to the cousin's for Thanksgiving. Still not sure about that yet. There are other issues to be considered.

Today, I got a call from my medical supplier. You know that post I did about the robot voice that used to call for my reorders? I miss that robot. Today I talked to some guy and his voice was so smarmy that felt like he was trying to sell me a used car. I knew I needed to be resupplied but the man's voice was so untrustworthy that I had the instinct to tell him no on everything.

It should be noted, however, that despite my lameass posts of the last couple of days, I've been blogging for a long time now. It won't be a year until January, but still. I've made it into November, and that, for me, is amazing.

So, with the other things I am thankful for this year, I would like to say I am thankful for my roommate, who encouraged me to blog, and to my fans (all four or so of you) who have read this and kept me going.  It's really meant a lot to have this outlet. Blogging has helped me to consider and reconsider some things in my life. It has helped me to explore ideas and rant until my heart is content about issues. It's helped to keep me mostly sane. Anything that can do that is amazing.

Anyway, I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving (or whatever you're doing).

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