Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sign O'the Times

In my area, there has been small earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, and burn bans . . . yes, all at once. Some would say these signs all foretell of some unusual events and/or happenings. Some would be right.

I was productive today . . . and that is very rare indeed.

In fact, I was deeply productive.  I woke up, showered and got ready for the outside world, ran five errands, went to therapy, got rid of some stuff, started a short story, knitted, and took out half the trash.

What brought on this fury of productive and positive behavior? Well, part of it was ritual. Wednesday is always therapy/trash day. I like to reckon they are close in idea. Both a situation where I sort out the nasty bits and purge them away from me.
In other cases, my errands were business as usual. I paid rent and car insurance. I dropped off mail.

In a couple of instances, the errands weren't typical of me.  They are the start of a possible new thing in my life. I'll fill you in on the details when I think it's more of a reality.  I'm glad I did it though. Even if it doesn't work out, I actually went through the effort of trying to make it happen. Instead of just daydreaming about how much better things would be, I'm going to see if I can make it happen.

As the day is winding down, I can tell you that I'm pretty well physically exhausted.  I hurt.  Despite that, I feel emotionally great. Accomplished. I planned to do stuff and instead of procrastinating about it, I actually did it. Yay.

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