Friday, November 18, 2011

Fluctuations and Poor People Philosophies

I guess for about a week or so now, my roommate and I have been experiencing some fluctuations in the electricity.

We have a house that is almost 100 years old and a lot of stuff that uses power. Still, the fact that this is a new thing is troubling. We're a little convinced it's causing us both to experience anxiety (more so than usual), which isn't helping matters at all.

Anyway, everything will be fine for a while, then the machines get shaky and the lights begin to dim and flicker.  Nothing goes completely out, it just stumbles for a moment or two and then rights itself. Okay, maybe I should say, nothing is going completely out so far.  Hopefully it will stay that way.

I mean, I can live with a little bit of flux and flicker. It's disturbing, but as long as nothing goes out or sets on fire, that's fine. It's something we can get used to.  Actually, as long as it doesn't get worse, it's something we'll have to get used to.  We can't afford to re-wire the house.

You know, I try not to think with poverty mentality, but sometimes I can't help it.  You make due when things screw up because you can't afford to fix them.  You learn to live with pain because you know you can't afford to have surgery.  You learn to live with having the same clothes for more than a decade because you know new ones cost too much.  You repair and refix what you can.  Anything you can't fix on your own, you hold out until it's absolutely dire and you have to do something about it.

Rationally, I know that isn't the most practical way to live. We have to work with the hand we're currently holding though. Maybe next deal things will be better . . . but for now, we have to try and bluff reality into thinking the cards are in our favor.

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