Sunday, December 4, 2011

Music as Sex

A while back, a friend on FB posted a question about what were the sexiest songs post punk. The conversation went on for a while and while I read the whole thing, I somehow managed to not contribute. So, as I have this blogamathingy, I decided to do it here.

To me, the sexiest music is always a combination of several things.  There has to be a slow, low ebbing beat that pulls you in and keeps you there.  Drums, bass, a combo of both, even a strong rhythm guitar. Whatever the case, it needs to be strong, steady, and  the undercurrent of the song. Sex is motion, after all, so motion is a required element in sexy songs.

The song also needs a level of moan and sigh, a sense of breathing and losing breath, the slow uncontrollable, unexpected whine.   This usually comes from guitar, keyboards, and vocals.  To me, in a sexy song, the guitar/keyboard/vocals should have a sense of having their brains fucked out.  Not made love to, fucked. And fucked hard to where there is no real impulse control over what happens. Guitar whine becomes a natural response to the rhythm.

Third, the song needs sensual lyrics.  This doesn't necessarily mean the lyrics have to be dirty.  That can be good, but in many cases, it can also become expected and hackneyed. Rather, the lyrics need a combination of both sound and meaning.

One of my favorite quotes about Cobain was that he sometimes choose words less for what they meant and more for the sound of them. This works quite well in sexy songs. Some sounds are just more erotic than others. Long vowels. Words that feel and sound like growls.

On a personal level, I also find songs with a sense of confession to them to be sexy. I like the vulnerability of being unable to control yourself, the knowledge that what you're doing is wrong or even dangerous, but you won't stop. You can't. I like songs that speak of secret desires, desperate longing, or forbidden need.  To me, sex is always best when not just carnal, but also knowing.

And what songs work on this list? Well, let's share a few. I decided to stay with songs that were more alternative and less rock driven, with a good mix of keyboards in it. Oh, and one of the rules of this was that no Cure could be considered, which is fair enough.

REPTILE (NIN cover) - Reznor/Murphy

A while back, Trent Reznor and, as my best friend so charmingly puts it "old ass scary fucking Peter Murphy" went on tour together. As a way to promote this, they would stop places and randomly play songs.  "Reptile" has always stood as one of NIN's sexier songs. The idea of something rather sinister and poisonous being so consuming as a lover is a rather common NIN theme, but perhaps best expressed in  "Reptile." Reznor takes a back seat in the cover and lets Murphy moan and scream his way through the song. And just when you think it can't get any better, they break into Love and Rockets near the end. Ahhh!


I don't think Morrissey is sexy.  In fact, I think he's kind of Anti-sexy. I also don't think Jack the Ripper is sexy, or maybe I do. Then again, in a lot of ways, this song is more about being a predator no matter what. Oddly, in the lyrics, I see a lot of me, things I would say to someone.  Again, the element of confession and knowing better but going along with it comes up.  The guitar is sublimely seductive in this song.

TEAR YOU APART ~ She Wants Revenge

Oh, and speaking of predatory, we have this little number by She Wants Revenge. I love SWR for their sarcasm and darkness, for sinister electronics and vocals that edge on robotic. This song isn't confession so much as narration into the depths of someone else's sexual mania. Kiss hard. Skin pressed against me tight. I want to fucking tear you apart.  It's the kind of need that boarders on insanity, which, perhaps, last only a split second, but that second is such pure lust it could set you on fire.


"You bite . . . you bite to excite yourself." Heh. Oh my god, this song is so hot to me. And honestly, besides just Chris's whining vocals and the very wickedly dirty lyrics, the part that gets me the most is the "SAY IT!" The demand for confession, the direct order to admit what you don't want to say under other circumstances. Wow. Mind you, almost everything Chris Corner does is hot. I could have gone with almost every Sneaker Pimps song for this list. "Small Town Witch" has always been a favorite.


Because just . . . wow.

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