Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wondering How I Got Trapped in V

The government began the SOPA hearings today.  This totally sucks and should not pass.  If it does, there will be riots and lawsuits. Or, there would have been. It seems the government also passed some law that allows them to detail, question, and assassinate us or something. What the hell is happening in this country.

Here's the thing about SOPA.  It won't stop pirating. Nothing does.  What it will do is get a lot of people fired because their internet jobs will be shut down.  In an economy where we have lots of people without jobs, making more of them be unemployed seems really jacked up and stupid.

SOPA will also get a lot of politicians fired. I'm pretty sure anyone who votes for this will be voted out of office as soon as possible. Big business may finance your campaigns, but we still vote. You pass SOPA, kiss your Congress job goodbye.

Most importantly, SOPA will so very seriously and unrepentantly backfire on the companies that wanted it passed. Taking away our internet freedom won't get us back into movies.  It won't make us buy shitty albums or watch horribly boring TV shows.  Even the ones we were willing to see before, we'll stop.

I know that if SOPA passes, I will never set foot in a movie theater again.  I will find independent bands who work without a label and listen to them.  Even if you start putting out good movies again, even if you put out the best music in the world, I do not car.  You took away my internet freedom. I will never support you again.

SOPA is evil. Tell your congress people not to pass it. It's evil. Make it stop.

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