Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pluck Out Your Eyes

So it seems Israel is going through issues because the crazy extremist Jewish groups are spitting on little girls and calling them whores when they believe they dress immodestly.  They hate women. You know, there really is no other way to put it. They hate them and all that women stand for. Bastards.

I write a lot of these posts, I know that. And normally I talk about how if you, as a woman, are living in an area where crazy religion is crazy and it's causing you harm, get away from it as soon as possible.  I know this isn't easy. I know that in many cases it's impossible.

Honestly, if I ever get really rich, I'm setting up a company to remove women from places where they're oppressed.  The idea of watching a generation of crazy religious men die off with no crazy religious children to follow them makes me overjoyed.

However, that's the stuff I usually say, so I'm going to take a different tactic with this and go to the flipside.  I realize I'm using a verse from the New Testament here, but the idea is probably there somewhere in almost all you people's religions. I'll even use King James version, as some of you darlings believe this is how Jesus really spoke.

Matthew 18: 9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

If you are feeling lust . . . it doesn't say to spit on people or beat them for dressing bad. It doesn't say call them whores or do anything really, other than modify something about YOU. Do something about YOUR situation to change the circumstances, not someone else or everyone else. YOU.

Now, I think plucking out your eye is a bit much. Though, on a practical note, if you have lots of eye pain, you probably won't be feeling much lust.  Unless you get off on that kind of thing . . . but I digress . . .

And considering we're talking about all you religious extremists out there, it always seems like things can never go too far or you. So really, maiming your own self shouldn't be that much of a problem.

I'm sure it can be argued there are places in holy books where it talks about dressing modestly and stuff like that. However, that is someone else's issue. That isn't yours.  Someone else's relationship with their creator is between them and said creator.  Stop focusing on other people, and focus on yourself.

See, if you're wondering why your religious beliefs piss everyone off, it's not because of Satan or whatever enemy you happen to have. It's not because it makes us ashamed or guilty about what we do in the sight of God. It's because you're all a bunch of scary assholes who make the world a harder place for other people.

Stop it. Mind your own business. Tend to your own sins. Control your own behavior, and if need be, pluck out your own damned eyes so you can't feel lust.  It shows devotion and is easier to handle than trying to get ALL the 8 yr olds out there to wear whatever it is that you think they need to be wearing.  Hurt yourselves. Leave the rest of us the hell alone.

Besides avoiding sin, plucking out an eye has some other benefits.  It makes pirate always an option for costumes.  It you buy a parrot, everyone will think it's cute. And, as a bonus to everyone else, when we see your crazy fundie ass walking towards us, we can get away before you start talking or spitting!  We'll know you by the lack of eyes.

Trust me, it's always nice to have a way to tell you people apart from the rest of us.

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