Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pandora's Gift Box

My roommate and I try to keep things at least marginally organized.  Both of us have moved tons of times in our lives and dislike household chaos.  There are some things we'll overlook (dust bunnies and cat fur), but when it comes to stuff we might need at some point in an emergency, we like to know where we can find it.

Sometimes, we go past the marginal point and actually organize the hell out of things. Tools all live in one area in boxes according to function. Books are divided in genre and type. Everything in the kitchen has its happy little place.  The office supplies all have boxes and designations.

One of these boxes holds gift wrapping supplies.  The actual wrapping paper lives in the back room, but the gift bags, small boxes, and tissue paper all dwell in this box.  It's one of those plain white cardboard boxes that most people keep files in. I guess if I was ambitious and wanted to make sure we really know that it's for gifts, I would put wrapping paper on the outside of it. . . . yeah, that's not going to happen.

Today we pulled it out because we were organizing the holiday presents.  Once he opened it, we watched as all the bags spilled out and cats began to bat at boxes.   He began to empty it and we both realized that while it's a great idea to organize things, it's also a good idea to occasionally go through your supplies and see what the hell you have.

You can find some strange things.

Like orange tissue paper.  Why would we have that? I can't think of any gift I would give to someone that required orange. Valentine's Day cards with Frankenstein on them. I honestly have no idea why those were in there or why we even own them.   We also need to stop buying tissue paper because we have possibly a million sheets of it.

I'm not complaining though. It was actually a lot of fun to go through the box.  It was like discovering . . . okay, not treasure so much but certainly oddities. We both really enjoyed it.

And we learned some things, like how we don't need to buy more tissue paper.  We also discovered that we need to get some gift bag that will work with orange.  Fall gift, anyone? Maybe next year?

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