Wednesday, March 19, 2014

As Time Goes By

A month ago today, I blogged about the fact that my roommate discovered his telemedicine bus would no longer be running. In that month, my roommate has been as proactive as he could be about gathering as much information as was available to find out if this program was over forever and what alternatives were out there. As is the case with most medical situations, he found out very little. Progress is slow. They don't know. No one is talking to anyone else. He finally had to make an appointment to travel to Tulsa so he could see his doctor. There was no other choice.

My roommate isn't happy about this at all. This program was one of the few securities he had in relation to his medical condition. The clinic that hosted this program has been so shady about the whole thing that it's put a sour taste in his mouth about the program. I don't blame him. It's very hard to trust someone when they tell you that they have their hands out to catch you, tell you to fall, and then walk away at the last second.

What I find curious about this is that the college that sponsored the telemedicine program has done nothing to talk about this on their website. In fact, here we are, a month later, and the website still looks like they have a thriving program. I would say this was just due to them not updating, but they have updated some things. It's just very odd.

In the meantime, we'll be preparing as best we can for this trip. It really sucks that it is so rough on us now. This used to be something we did for fun, but of course that was almost 20 years ago.

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