Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Snow Reflections . . . Bitchery

Today we ventured outside in the slushy mess that was left after the ice storm on Sunday. Any place there was no shade, everything was melted away. There are a lot of shady places though (in every sense of the meaning) and we still had a lot of ice, slush, mud, and water with which to contend. It was a mess, but we made it home alive, so I shouldn't bitch.  I shouldn't, but I'm going to.

First of all, my town's idea of how to handle icy streets is to cover them in a layer of dirt and gravel. Does this actually do any good? I'm not convinced it does. In the places where things were still slick and icy, we basically had ice with a later of gravel-mud over it. Every where else, we just had gravel and mud. This means my tires (which are always in a state of suicide-contemplation anyway) are having to go from cold ice to mud to millions of tiny rocks.

Second, what level of insanity was in the minds of the person who decided that the best place to put the driveway to my house was in the North side with the house blocking all access to the sunlight? The rest of the universe will be melted off before my driveway. I walked out of the house and onto a solid layer of ice over snow. It will be there for weeks. Unfortunately, I don't have the option of waiting it out. I have to go outside, over and over again, on that crap. If I get to build my own house, the driveway will be on the side where we get sun.

Third, there seems to be some cosmic rule that if there is ice on the ground, I will have to go to Walmart. Even if I try my best to get things done before the ice comes, for some reason, I will still need to (not want to, but need to, as in no real choice) be at that hellhole. Walmart during any kind of bad weather is the worst.

They don't plow the snow back, even though they could, because they OWN A PLOW. No, instead, they let people just randomly park on ice covered parking places, losing every third place because people are parking so badly. People shake horribly as they try to navigate shopping carts over uneven shards of ice. When they're finished with their carts, they just leave them anywhere. The driving areas, other parking places, behind the cars of people still inside. They do not care how this affects anyone else. The whole world revolves around them at the moment.

Okay okay. Enough bitching. We made it home and no one got too hurt. I did slip once and my legs went into directions they did not wish to go, but that is just a minor soreness compared to what could have happened. The Walmart chaos drained me and my voice is a little gone from the cuss yellfit I had there, but all of that will heal with a good night's sleep.

Seriously though, drive way on the SOUTH SIDE. It makes life so much easier.

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