Friday, March 28, 2014

Childhood and Harsh Realities

So I'm old now and bitter. Okay, I've probably always been bitter, but now I'm old too and that adds new layers to the bitterness. And yet, I still remember being a kid and remember what that was like. Admittedly, it kind of scares me a little bit because when I see kids now, I cringe at the idea of them going through the same stuff I went through. I'm sure they still do though. In fact, it's probably worse.

Recently, Martin put out a sample chapter from his new book that will probably never get published. The chapter was about Arya, who is around 12 at this time. She's been on her own for a while now and she is truly orphaned, as both parents were murdered (one right in front of her and one withing walking distance of her). She has killed people, been witness to many of the horrible things humans can do to one another, and seen a side of war that most people can't even imagine. So when this chapter came out, all of these  things factored into the person she now is. People were, predictably, outraged.


She's been around people who cuss a lot and needs to relate to them. She speaks the way she is spoken to and, yes, she does understand what she's saying. If you will recall, most of you probably understood the cuss words at that age.  You probably understood them even before that. There may have been one or two you'd never heard, but more than likely, you'd catch the meaning in context.


In theory, I agree. No 12 year old should have to be in the position of using sex as a weapon against other people. However, Arya is someone who is trying to survive with very little resources. Men constantly comment about how pretty she is and discuss the things they want to do to her. It's shocking to hear, but, again, it's also sadly all too common for many kids. A lot of us heard that kind of thing at that age. Sometimes even younger. We'd like to believe that being a minor is a shield against people's sexual advances, but we all know that isn't the truth. Arya took the interest that a man was showing her and uses it to her advantage. She doesn't actually DO anything sexual with him, but she uses the promise of it as a method to accomplish her goals.


What author are you reading? Do you not realize this is the man who kills people at weddings and makes a 13 yr old boy so horrible that you cheer when he dies? Since this story began, Arya has seen very little besides violence. She knows it's a good way to accomplish things. In some cases, it was her only way to accomplish things. Is this taking her down a very dark path? Of course it is, but that is what happens to many children who grow up in the midst of war. They never become the kids who smile and play with toys. Those days are shattered for them.

People talk about how Arya has gone darker than any other character in the book, but how could she not? In reality, a kid like this probably would have been killed early on. GRRM is taking the approach of "what happens if someone experiences all of this and sees all of this but they live? What would they be like?" It's shocking and often painful to read. I'm sure a lot of people still hope for a happy ending for Arya, where she marries a nice noble boy about her own age and settles down to have a quiet and happy live. I really cannot see that happening. I think the character is too damaged at this point. I think anyone would be.

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