Thursday, March 13, 2014

FB Stuff I Want

Every time that Facebook changes their format, I swear I'm going to accept it and not complain. And yet, every time they change it, it just seems to work even worse than it did before. This latest change is no exception. My hell, this one sucks. Everything is all flat. The pictures are way too big. My news feed is repeating the same things over and over again. Worst of all, it just has this cheap feel to it. I wish I didn't feel this way. I wish I could just accept the changes and believe they were good, right, and smart. They never are though. I do believe there are changes that Facebook could make that would be wonderful, but they never seem to do those.

At one point, Facebook had a functioning game page that would allow you to go see all the stuff people posted concerning their games. You could click on the stuff they needed and get all the free gifts they offered. Such things did not clutter the Newsfeed, nor did they get lost in it. As it stands, if you post you need something for a game, it will more than likely be buried in the shuffle of everything else. Should FB be concerned about this? Oh very much so. Games are one of the main reasons many people are on FB every day. It is certainly a group they should work with and not against.

Instead of getting a Chrome app to block words and phrases that connect to political or otherwise content, FB should have this option within its own system. Just a little preferences button where you can tell it that you don't wish to see pictures of abused animals or read about how Obama is forcing everyone with a gun to get gay married or whatever crazy stuff they've come up with this week. I would truly like that feature installed before the next election so that I can block everyone's political crap and just get on with my life and do important things like look at pictures of cats and read about Game of Thrones.

It would also be nice of Facebook had a feature that allowed you to create newsfeeds for your interests. For example, I would have a tab for Game of Thrones content. Every time someone in my friends list posted something about the show, it would go into that specified news feed. That way I could click on the tab and see all of my GoT stuff in one place.  It would also be great if there was a way to tag articles on your main news feed that would collect on a Tagged page. Right now, you can follow people's articles, but that gets cumbersome because it means every time someone comments on it, you're informed. I don't need that. I need something more like "Oh, I want to read that article about Bigbang but I don't have time right now. Let's tag it so I can get back to it later." It would be a quick and easy way to save content without the pain of having to scroll for five years back down to the place where you found it.

While we're at it, I would love to get rid of the huge pictures that seem to dominate my page now. I want rid of the new PM system. And I would love to get rid of me being informed when people who are friends of my friends do stuff. I do not care. If I did care about those people, they would be my friends as well.  Of course, as I said, I complain every time Facebook changes things so this is nothing new. I will get used to the new format and learn to live with it. Usually about the time I learn to live with it, they change it again. I'm hoping they'll change it for the better next time.

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