Monday, March 3, 2014

Being Shelter

It was bitterly cold today and we did not leave the house. On occasion, people would drive by, their tires cracking against the broken ice and making it sound like they would have blowouts at any moment. I didn't think it was wise to be out there, but then I had the luxury to not have to worry about it. We'd done shopping yesterday and didn't have to get out to pay bills . . . not quite yet, anyway. Tomorrow though, we may not have much choice in the matter. It is the first of the month and things need to be paid. We'll be out in the cold tomorrow, though, hopefully after noon when the sun has had a chance to melt off some more of the ice.

That isn't to say that we served no purpose today. By the benefit of the trees in the yard, the front porch, and my roommate's kindness in always keeping a water dish for outside animals, my household served as shelter for quite a few birds who didn't wish to venture out far in the snow and ice. Our usual couple of mockingbirds hung out on the tomato cages that sit on the porch.  They were there for quite a while, preening and allowing the house to protect them from the wind. Once the mockingbirds took to the trees, I saw a cardinal hopping around on the banister.

Quite often, when the weather is objectionable, the birds will use the porch as their landing base. They will fly off to collect seeds or other bits of food, and then bring it back to the banisters to eat.  If seeds aren't available, they'll make due with the stray bits of cat food that the outdoor cats don't eat. One little bird got especially fond of the cat food and would screech at my roommate whenever it would run out.

When the birds aren't eating, they will make other use of the porch. They'll use the fresh water for drinking and for cleaning as they chitter at each other. They'll sit on the arms of chairs or on those cages or just balance on some boards we have out there. Sometimes there are territorial wars, but most of the time, everyone gets along.

I find it deeply satisfying to know that my home is a shelter for the little animals who live around us. Okay, not for the mice. Fine, even for the mice, as long as I don't have to see them and they keep their fleas to themselves. I especially like the birds though. Birds are beautiful and graceful, fascinating to watch. Birds also eat a lot of the insects who would otherwise cause us problems. Most of all though, I love watching the birds because my mother loved watching birds and it makes me feel closer to her. She would have loved knowing the shelter near her. I love that too.

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