Friday, March 21, 2014

The Letter P

Hello, children. How is everybody in the neighborhood? Are we having a good day? Well, actually, no we're not. Today's blog is brought to you by the Letter P. P, as in Pain. P, as in Panic.  P, as in learn to Prepare.

Yesterday I noticed that my hips were feeling rough. I wasn't too surprised about that. I've been walking, which always puts my body through adjustments, and there is a lot of weather shifts happening. As I am now one of those old people who experiences weather through the pain it causes her body, I knew we were in for a storm. I am not happy to have this power. Anyway, the hips are awful. They're basically killing me right now. I'm hoping that sleep and exercise will help them. Or that something will. This is very uncomfortable.

P also finds us in the form of the word Panic. I have to send off some paperwork this week and when we looked to make sure it was all there . . . it wasn't. I assumed it was, but neglected to remember that I needed one of the documents to verify TWO things and the copy I had was only verifying ONE of those things. This paperwork thing is pretty vital to me, so I need it all in order. I began to panic and freak out because I didn't have what I needed. It was serious panic too, the kind where I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to sleep. I was so angry at myself over this. I put things in jeopardy because I was too irresponsible to double check my information. It was bad.

Thankfully, my bouts of panic never last long. After a little while, I realized I probably had another option for getting the information. I went online and, thankfully, I was right. Within a few minutes, I had what I needed and everything was okay. At least, it was as okay as my limited bit of influence could make it be okay.

This brings us to the most important P word of the day. Preparation. With actual preparation (and not just halfassed preparation like I did), I would not have had to put myself through that emotional pit. I could have just gently sailed through this task with no problems. As I do not wish to go through that kind of panic again, from now on, I'm going to stay on top of this kind of thing. It's not that damned difficult to insure that paperwork stays in a place where it is easily found, organized, and used. I know this, I just need to practice it better. Sure I was able to come up with a solution for my neglect this time, but that doesn't always mean there will be one. Preparation should be where I put my energy, not in the scramble to make things work after I have failed to prepare.

Tomorrow, I hope that the letter of the day is Q (which follows P of course) and that our words for the day are Quiet, Quick, and Quell. I hope that the neighborhood is nice and quiet. I hope that what we have to prepare for our paperwork goes quickly. I also hope that exercise or a change in the weather or possibly meds will quell the pain in my hips. That would be quite nice, actually. Quite nice indeed.

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