Saturday, October 11, 2014

Autumn Storm

We knew it was going to rain yesterday, but I have to say that even for a storm around here, things were dramatic and weird.  The roommate and I had gone to Walmart. The drive over was strange, with odd winds and a grey overcast. By the time we arrived, there was a black cloud above the store. He walked in and the wind picked up.

Actually, 'picked up' is kind of mild. The winds were vicious. They were blowing pots full of flowers off of the stands by the entrance to the store. I have to say I was impressed by the number of people who stopped what they were doing to set the plants back up. I was also impressed by the people who would move stray shopping cars out of the driving lanes.

I halfway expected it to just start pouring when my roommate left the store, but it didn't. He was back in the van before it got too bad, but even then, the rain was unusual. It fell in strange droplets that didn't run the way they usually do. They seemed to just float on the windshield, not moving or breaking apart until I hit them with the wipers.

For the rest of the day, and even into today, the rain fell in violent spurts. Often it would just fall straight down, hitting the house loudly. During the middle of the night, it woke me up as rain slammed against my windows. When I woke up this morning, it was still falling.  All the while, it's been strange.

I somewhat wonder if that is an omen for how Fall will be this year, just....strange and unsettling. I hope not. I think I kind of need some normal for a while. It would be really nice.

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