Monday, October 20, 2014


There seems to be some law in the universe that if I start to like a product found at the store, the store will, eventually, get rid of that product. I understand this is just the nature of business, but it doesn't make it any easier on me. Yes, I know I have to just adjust, but I've done a lot of adjusting of late, and I think I'm out of adjustment points. I know I'll gain them back, but it takes a while.

That is the trick to this point in my life. As I talked about a couple of nights ago, I am basically just drained of all the stuff. I function, as well as I can. I do my best to try and do what is helpful for me. I sometimes don't succeed, but I try. Beyond that.......there is precious little happening for me. I'm not quite dead inside, but I am, as I said, very drained.

I've been thinking about how to rebuild my internal self. When I lost all of my physical strength, I began with just arm motions. I think I need to start rebuilding my creativity and inner being in the same way. Just small steps, but consist steps, repeated daily and added to as I can manage. I'm not sure what these should be yet, but I'm going to give it some thought for the rest of the week.

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