Friday, October 10, 2014

Private Decisions

I read this article today about a man's account of the emotional torture he and his wife went through due to Texas's strick abortion laws. It's a very sad story and one that will be repeated again and again as states continue to decide to make laws about our bodies. Abortion has become such a hot button topic that states are passing laws that never taking individual cases into account. Of course, how could they not? Every abortion and every termination of pregnancy is an individual case with varying circumstances. It also used to be a private decision.

I'm always a little in awe at how people will scream about how the government should stay out of people's lives . . . unless it's something said people find morally objectionable. Then they want all the laws they can get. And if they can't get laws to stop whatever they find objectionable,  then they want laws to restrict it as much as possible, no matter what. And often that 'no matter what' also means 'no matter who it hurts.'

One of the hardest things about being an adult is that sometimes you have to make decisions that are horrible. Your options are awful and equally awful. Often, the best thing we can do is go with what is going to do the least damage to us in the long run. That is the decision that the man and his wife in the article where trying to make. Their son was going to die. Prolonging the time of that death was just hurting everyone. Unfortunately, the government had taken their decision making power out of their hands.

I have to ask, is that really the level of power you want the government to have?

I am a very fortunate person. I was never faced with decisions of this nature. Now, due to cancer and having all my innards ripped out, I never will be faced with this decision. I have to confess, it is a relief to know that. As these laws become more and more restrictive, as people trade common sense and compassion for dogma and outrage, I am so thankful I will never have to face a moment when my choices are both equally horrible and then be told that I don't even get to make the choice.

At the same time, my heart goes out to all of you who still run the risk of this.

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