Monday, October 6, 2014

Toe Milestone

My roommate and I were discussing exercise increases and what would be beneficial for me to try next. Not that I want to turn into someone who does this all day long, but at the same time, I think it's a good idea to push my body to do new things. Even if I can't do much of the new things at first, I believe challenging my body is helping me a lot.

We were going over various possible things I could do. My roommate suggested lifting my hands straight above my head and going for a toe touch. I snorted a little.  Yeah, that was a nice thought. Then again, even if I couldn't go all the way through with it, I could at least do the arms above my head and bend over part. Even I can bend forward somewhat. I stood up to try it.

You know what? Somecrazyhow, I actually managed to touch my toes! I had enough limber going on to achieve this. The months of walking must have helped my sense of balance enough to keep me from falling over. I touched them and then repeated a few more times. After that, I was kind of getting dizzy, but still! Toe touching! Wow.

This is a big thing for me. This is a moment of celebration. I can now do something with my body that I haven't been able to do in a long, long time. I feel like I'm reclaiming territory that was lost to me, like I'm some kind of exiled queen who is finally able to retake her lands. This is victory for me. It feels very good.

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