Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Of the Conversation

I went to see my best friend and her new baby today. Another one of my friends drove us up there and we had a very good visit. I got to feed the baby and hold her for quite a while. I think I put her socks back on her feet 10 times, but that is the nature of babies.

For the most part, the baby was good. She slept part of the time, but during the majority of the visit, she was awake and rather aware. My best friend remarked that she thought the baby enjoyed the company and liked hearing the conversation and multiple voices. It was soothing to her, maybe even interesting, to see how groups of people interact with each other.

I'm inclined to agree with this. I remember how one of the things I enjoyed a great deal as a child was listening to the adults talk. It really wasn't about what they were saying. I honestly couldn't recall the details of their conversations if you paid me. What has stuck with me is the cadence of their speaking, the ebb and flow of conversation. I was always calm and comforted by them because I knew my mother was happy when she was talking to her friends. She was getting to be clever and funny. She was in her element.

Even as an adult, I find comfort in listening as conversations go on around me. Often when we're in groups of people, we feel this pressure to participate, but it's really not necessary. I think there is value in being part of the conversation without really having to be IN the conversation. Listening is important and listening to two other people talk can be quite lovely.

I'm glad the baby gets to experience listening to us talk and laugh. I think it can  teach her some valuable things about the exchange of ideas between close friends and between people who respect each other. It can also offer the comfort of knowing she is safe within that conversation. That is a wonderful feeling to have.

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