Sunday, November 30, 2014

Welcome December

November passed by very quickly. To be honest, most of this year has, but November seemed especially quick. It's not that it was a bad month. Some really great things happened. My best friend had her baby. Thanksgiving was good. My roommate and I went to a dinner party. I worked on my afghan, the first and probably only project I will complete since my hysterectomy. For the most part, it's been a pretty good month for me.

I'm weirdly unhappy about December starting. I've had a string of bad Decembers and I don't want another one. I've had enough bad months this year. It would be nice to end the year with some peace and comfort. Here's hoping that can happen.

I did some new stuff on the balance ball today. Some of it seemed like it would be pretty easy and it surprisingly worked parts of my legs I had no idea could feel pain. I guess that's good? I was pleased with the new things and plan on making them part of the overall routine. This may not get me up to a full 30 minutes, but we'll be getting closer. I'm hoping that by the end of the year, I'm 30 full minutes on the ball and doing more sets of what I'm doing now. This would be a nice pace for me.

My weekend was nice. I folded a lot of towels and had some pretty great discussions with people. My roommate has an appointment this week and I have plans for Friday. Next week should be pretty easy, but the week after that will be full. The week past that is my birthday and Christmas. December is always pretty busy. Here's hoping we survive it.

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