Monday, February 16, 2015

Less Ancestral Laughing

I had to get the meat off of two chickens today. Hah! I should note that I wrote 'children' instead of 'chicken' the first time around. I changed it though, because it was actually chicken. Children would take way longer.

Anyway, this activity is one of the many that is now far easier with the lipoma removed from my arm. I used to have to take rest breaks and just sit there while I was working on two chickens. Now I can push my way through without really getting that tired. I'm also not putting myself into pain and then deeper pain, meaning I can focus more on what I'm trying to accomplish. I finished the chickens in a very short time. This also helped in me being in less pain, because I was able to get out of that chair quicker. After a while, that chair starts to work every nerve in my back.

I cannot stress how much this is an improvement in my life. Having full use of my arm, having strength in my arm, and having the ability to do stuff with it like all the normal people is just a blessing.

I also found out today that a group of developers are trying to recode Glitch back into existence. They're actually serious about this and I am so happy.

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