Friday, February 20, 2015

Pain in my Face

A year ago today I met my best friend's dog for the first time. It's so strange to think he's only been around for a year. It seems like it was a lot longer than that. It's funny how someone can come into your life and feel like they were there the whole time. I think our hearts just needed them, maybe. I find that to be quite beautiful.

The weather was grey and dreary today. It was the kind of drear that just makes you want to bury yourself in blankets and never come out. I did that during my nap and basically slept until my roommate woke me up. Trust me, I could have slept longer. Winter is starting to really get to me. It needs to end soon.

Aside from that, I spent the day having sinus issues. My nose isn't running. These are deeper sinus cavity problems, causing actual pain in my face. It isn't pleasant and at times, it was close to agony. Thank goodness for headache meds. I am not sure what I would have done without them.

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