Wednesday, March 9, 2016

IWD 2016

Today was International Women's Day. I really didn't want to deal with the backlash that this would cause on Facebook, so I basically avoided it. My Words with Friends friends got attention but no one else did. I just wasn't in the mood to see posts about how women should be thankful for the men in their lives or  how men should have a men's day (which they do) or whatever idiocy people decided to spew.

However, in light of the day, I will send out my own prayer to the universe.

In the coming 365 days, I hope that women around the world find joy. I'm not going to put conditions on that joy. One person's joy is another person's annoyance, after all. No, I just hope we all find joy. I hope there are days where we look up from whatever we're doing and realize we're truly happy.

I hope that joy fills our hearts, revives our spirits, and finds its origins in our souls. I hope there are nights when each of us has trouble falling asleep because the day was full of significance and sweetness.

Happy day, fellow women.

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