Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Yarn Artists

It's been a few years since I've really done anything with knitting looms. I saw a pattern I liked for a baby blanket possibility and decided to check it out. For about the next three hours, I fell down this glorious rabbit hole of technique advancements and tutorials. People have innovated so many things with knit looms. It's amazing!

For a long time, there was this perception that using a loom wasn't something to take seriously. After all, anyone could do it. Really, anyone. People would make tiny ones and have little kids use them. I bought a set for my 8 yr old niece.  I love that people pushed past that perception and really started exploring what one can do with a loom. And why not? If it's easier to grasp the basics with a loom than it is with needles, then it should give one more time to really innovate. And innovate people have!

The internet can be an awful place sometimes, but artistic communities are doing amazing things. The sharing, the discussions, and the support that people find there serves to really advance the medium. I am really in awe of the people who do this. I am also very grateful to them.

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