Saturday, March 26, 2016

Self Editing and Quandaries

I had to erase like half of my post last night because while I typed it out, it looked like the same kind of self-righteous stuff my grandmother used to say. Seriously, it was like she possessed me. I was shocked at how it sounded.

Not that I intended to sound self-righteous. I was trying to explain something about the realities of being poor. Seriously, that's all I was trying to do. But it did not come off that way. It came off as very, very snitty. Given that, I erased it and wrote what I hoped was a better version of the post.

It got me thinking. I wonder how often people who sound horribly self-righteous were just trying to explain something. Maybe they're not really trying to annoy the hell out of everyone. Maybe they don't really think they're grand and amazing. Maybe they're just trying to explain a certain standpoint and have no charm.

I think maybe I'll give people more of the benefit of the doubt on this. And I'll probably worry that this post is also sounding self-righteous.

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