Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Sim on Fire

I spent most of the weekend messing with my klepto sim. As her Mischief skill increased, so did her ability to steal more expensive and complex stuff. At first, she was just stealing decor items. Now she's stealing computers and, somehow, grand pianos. As much as I have no idea where sims keep their mops, I'm really confused about where one would hide a piano. Inventory Magic.

I toyed with the idea of making her a cop and letting her steal things from crime scenes, but then I remembered she wasn't evil, so opted against that. Then again, I did make her a mad scientist, which turned out to be even worse. She has a raygun that can freeze people and transform objects into other objects.

She has these neighbors she doesn't like. I let her go over to their house and turn all their toilets into chairs. She started on their bathtubs next and this is when things got out of hand. The gun has a small probability of setting things on fire. This happened, and suddenly, everything was stuck. I couldn't exit the lot. she couldn't do anything to fill her needs. And their house was on fire.

Basically, the whole floor of the house had burned before I remembered the freezing option on the gun can also freeze fire. I finally put the fire out, but by that time, most everything these two needed to live was pretty messed up. Then again, they are jerks, so . . . .

I have to admit, it was nice for fire to be amusing in the game, for once.

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