Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Actual Storms

As you can tell from the title, the possibility of storms turned into an actuality of them . . . and it sucked.  I woke up to storms around one. Half an hour later, the power went off. I called the company and thought they'd have things working within the house. That didn't happen until six pm the next day.

I'm certainly one of those people who did not need to be born during an earlier time period. I LIKE the one I live in and enjoy being spoiled to it. I like having electricity and running water and the internet and cars. I don't like hours on end spent wondering if all the stuff in my freezer is going to ruin.

What annoys me is that the place where the power messed up is the exact place where it always messes up. Why can't they get that fixed? It would be so nice not to have to deal with this every freaking storm season.

Anyway, things are back on now and I'm happy. For now.

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