Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Chain

Ever notice that it's during economic downswings when politicians start really pushing the 'family values' and traditional roles? They want people to marry. They want people to have babies. In fact, ever notice this is when they start pushing for larger families? Even now, they're doing all they can to stop birth control. They claim it's about stopping unmarried people from being promiscuous, but what about all the married people who use birth control to plan their families in a way that allows them to have children when they can afford children?

Don't ever, even for a second, think this is about anything other than controlling the populace. The more children you have, the more emotional hostages you have. This means you will be willing to compromise on so many things. People will take crappy jobs if it means feeding their families. People will go into dangerous jobs if it means feeding their families. People will put up with awful bosses and awful hours if it means they get insurance and the ability to keep their kids healthy. This is all about manipulating people into working harder for less.

It backfires, of course. A lot of people don't give a rat's ass about their kids. They have them and leave them. The kids go into foster care or get pushed onto relatives. There is a thing going around on FB where a group of five siblings, ages 11 to 2, are looking for a home who will take all of them. Five kids. Very, very few people have the means to take on five kids. People will tell me birth control is so evil, but I have to ask you to consider how much easier that oldest child's life would be if he was the only one needing adoption, if he wasn't tied down emotionally by love for these other kids. Any of them would be better off as the only child.

If you are poor, if you are of breeding age, RESIST! Don't let them manipulate you into bad jobs and bad conditions by chaining yourself to more children than you can afford. Poverty is not freedom. Poverty is not noble. Poverty is a place you are kept in order to do the bidding of the Hoarding Class. Resist them.

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