Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Tomorrow is International Women's Day. It's also the day of the Day Without a Woman Protest. I will not be on Facebook tomorrow because I just really do not want to see all the shitty comments people are going to make. It's just going to hurt my heart and piss me off so I'm avoiding the whole mess.

What hurts me the most about it is how most of the shitty comments I see are from women. These women are usually in the workforce. They own businesses. They have often raised kids on their own. They own property and cars. They have lines of credit. They believe they have the right to be safe and make their own decisions. And yet, for some reason, they don't think women taking a stand to ensure we keep these rights is an important thing. They don't see women as valuable, even though they are women.

I just don't get that. If you have to choose a side, why would you choose the side that isn't yours? Why would you choose the side that wants to silence you? Why would you choose the side that turns a blind eye to your health and safety? Why would you choose the side that treats you like the Other? Do you really think that siding WITH them will get you better treatment? When has that ever worked?

Anyway, I'm staying out of it. Tomorrow on Facebook will be a day without me.

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