Thursday, March 23, 2017

Glorious FX

Legion is the first show in a long while where I find myself going back to rewatch scenes. Mind you, I did that with Game of Thrones, but that's a multiyear investment for me. This is a new show and I'm that fascinated by the work. People are correct. This is becoming a really monumental time in television. Between the meta nature of certain shows and the willingness to blend genre and ideas, we're seeing some really innovative work.

I don't think a show like Legion could have existed without the internet, without Youtube. There are aspects of it that come off as high-end fanvids, and I don't mean that in an insulting way. I think any showrunner would be smart to look at the things on the internet that have thousands of views and ask themselves what it is about that certain video that keeps bringing people back.

I never thought that Neil Gaiman's Sandman could really be brought to the screen, but after seeing Legion, I think it could. The same kind of blending, metaphoric, highly iconic magic realism that shapes Sandman can be seen in a lot of what happens in Legion. I have hope that the same could be done for Gaiman's work.

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