Sunday, October 25, 2020

Swim to Me

 I have a different theory on sirens. 

Everyone always approaches the idea of them as these evil creatures who lure sailors to their deaths by looking and singing beautifully. They are viewed as a threat.

I don't think so. I think sirens were a wish and a bit of morose hope to these men. Being a sailor was really hard. It was emotionally and physically painful almost all the time. It was trying. Your hands were often ripped up. Your skin was constantly exposed to the elements. Sometimes, you didn't even have a choice in the matter. You were just taken by the sailors and forced to be part of the crew.

So what better hope you cling to on your darkest nights than the idea of seeing a beautiful woman calling out to you? I doubt any of these men were stupid enough to think this was a normal or natural thing. Some random woman (or group of women) out in the middle of the ocean on rocks? Yeah, that doesn't happen.

But it was a beautiful death. It was a death of alluring sound and glamourous promise. Better that than the death of drowning alone in a storm. Better that than the death of starving when your ship ran out of food. Better that than the life of toil and strife and brokenness that you currently experience. 

And you sang
Sail to me
Sail to me
Let me enfold you. 
Here I am
Here I am
Waiting to hold you.

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