Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Rules

There are a lot of whing conspiracy theories floating around about why Trump got Covid 19. I think every one of them that I hear sounds crazier than the last. The thing is, the reasons why Trump has this are pretty simple.

Trump believes in magical thinking. He believes if he denies something hard enough, then it becomes the reality.

Trump thinks rules do not apply to him. 

Trump wanted to deny the danger of Covid, but that danger is very real. He wanted to deny that Covid was contagious, but it it is contagious. 

He wanted to disobey and deny and mock the commonsense measures put in place by the medical establishment. 

Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Stay indoors. Stay away from people. Don't touch your face.

He jaunted around ignoring all of this advice and basically implied that to support him, his people should ignore it as well. 

But reality IS reality.
The rules DO apply to Trump.

Now he's sick, as any of us are bound to get sick if we ignore the safety measures. 

I just really hope this is a wakeup call for folks and they start masking up and paying attention. Maybe then more of us will live through this.

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