Monday, April 18, 2011

Calm before the Storms

As April has decided to be its usual cruel self, we are expecting more storms for the rest of the week.  Color me not thrilled about this.  Weather always plays nasty tricks on my roommate and me.  One of the later ones has involved my foot hurting where I broke it back when I was 17. Yes, I've become THAT old person.

In the meantime, the humidity is hellish and sticky. The cats are all looking at us like we betrayed them. I've got fans on me and short sleeves.  All the while, the wind is building to some nastiness outside.  Storms. Blah. Do not want.

I received some good news, something I've been waiting a long time for.  Now it's so, so close and while I'm really happy and relieved, I also have a lot to think about, because this step means I can and should move forward with a bunch of other things. I've known this the whole time, but I tried not to think about it too much, because I was afraid it would jinx the first part. Yes, I know. So, so rational of me.

My life is a certain way right now. I'm very, very grateful for this, but at the same time, I don't want it to be this way forever. I want more. More health, more enjoyment, more security.  I have plans to achieve those things, but I have to make sure I do them in the right way, with much planning and wisdom.  I can't half-ass any of this or I'll just end up losing everything.

To that end, I've started some Google docs to organize my plans and my questions.  As I find out information, I'll post answers and links to where I got the info. As I get more answers,  I'll be able to set up a timeline that works for me and everyone involved.

Am I scared? Yes.  But honestly, not as scared as I would have been ten years ago or even five years ago.  I think, if anything, my 30s have brought me much humility and wisdom.  Maybe not about a lot of things, but in ways that are really working for me.

For instance, I understand the value of the small victory.  Last year, even though we'd been in our current location for about ten months, my roommate and I had a room that was floor to ceiling with boxes.  We had piles of disorganization here in almost every room.  There were still places where it was difficult to find anything.

We started changing this one box at a time.  That was our goal. One box. If we moved more or unpacked more? Awesome. But as long as we did that one box, we were happy.

Since then, we have reclaimed the back bedroom, put books not only on bookshelves but organized them as well.  We have reclaimed our space, tossed out things we didn't need, and organized the kitchen.....err, as much as our kitchen can be organized.

We did this by planning, small goals, and constant discussion during the process.  Sometimes we had to change things or alter plans. Sometimes it got frustrating. Quite often, we were really tired.  In the end though, our house is far more organized than it was last year.

So for the next month or so, I will be planning, researching, asking questions, discussing, evaluating, re-evaluating, talking, and keeping a visual record of what I find.

Past that.....we'll see. I plan for great things.

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