Monday, April 4, 2011

Losing my Edge

I spent part of the night watching the last LCD Soundsystem concert from Madison Square Garden.  I would have watched more, but it's like over three hours long and I just didn't have it in me. Hah! Yes, I'm losing my edge and getting old because I can't freaking stay up late enough to watch the show. Figures.

"Losing my Edge" is my favorite song by them. The song is just seeped in sarcasm but still somehow also comes off as very, very true. "I'm losing my edge...... to better looking people......with better ideas and more talent......who are actually, really really nice." I think at some point, we all feel this way and somewhat seethe about the fact.  Though, only to a certain extent because there is something to be said for being alive in the time of what you see as your music and your experiences. Gen X people still act and think a certain way and we probably always will.  I'm happy about that.

I'm rambling but it's late.  I should be in bed but it's humid and I'm a little uncomfortable.  Every day is edging us closer and closer to summer and summer is always really damned hellish on me.  I hate it with a blind passion and really wonder why I choose to be a fat woman living in a hot and humid state.  That's really not bright at all.

My attention span has been worse than usual too.  It's all I can to concentrate on anything for more than five minutes. I watched a two hour movie and I think it too me like five hours because I kept pausing it to do something else.  My mind just couldn't focus.  I hate days like this. Focusing becomes almost painful and it's all I can do to keep from lashing out at everything that's trying to get my attention.  The world is wanting me to pay attention and all my brain is allowing is just random blips from here and there.

It's not that I don't want to focus. I just really can't. My therapist has suggested meditation as a way to help this (as well as relieving stress). I'm thinking she may be right.

Anyway, I think I'll try and sleep now.  Maybe the wind will die down and the humidity will go the hell away.  I have a busy week and I don't want any more complications than needed. Lack of sleep always leads to complications.

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