Friday, April 22, 2011

A Day of the Drearies.

In the area where I live, this time of year tends to stay dark, dreary, rainy, and somewhat scary. You know, tornadoes and that kind of thing. There were no tornado sirens today, but my roommate and I did drive home in the midst of tons of rain and streaks of white and purple lightening.

This wouldn't have been so bad, but we always take the old highway, which is in a state of perpetual disrepair, full of potholes and curves and narrowness.  Oh, and low water bridges.  Honestly, who came up with the idea of low water bridges? They are the stupidest thing ever.  I can't tell you the number of times I've been in a situation where whatever automobile I was in had to be turned around because the bridge was flooded.

Anyway, the road we were on was the one we fishtailed on back during the snow.  I wasn't quite making the Noise of Fear that only dogs are capable of hearing, but I was coming close to it.  Fortunately, my roommate always handles said situations quite well.

It's cold again, which makes me somewhat happy I've not put my blankets in storage yet.  I'm going to curl up in them and sleep, listening to the sounds of the rain as it falls on the house.

This is somewhat of a luxury for us because we used to live in a trailer that leaked. Okay, leaked BADLY is really a better description. Any time it rained, we had to put pans in the hallway to catch all the water.  It was a fairly wide area and you more or less had to make a very large step over them to get down the hall.  So yes, here, I was, a fat woman trying to navigate my way around six pans of water, wet carpet, and a narrow hallway.  It really wasn't fun. Might have been kind of fun to watch though.

The drearies could last until June.  It's not ideal, but it's not 100+ degrees outside either. I'll take the drearies over that any day.

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