Thursday, October 6, 2011

More GRRM Geekery

I'm also lame because I did this earlier today.

Wolfsister's A Song of Ice and Fire Meme [spoilers]

1. Why did you first pick up the books?
Admittedly, I was late to the party. I read some stuff about it on i09 and saw the Ned Stark memes. I was, how you say, intrigued.

2. Who is your favorite character?
Tyrion. His story reads like a Coyote tale and I'm always a sucker for that.

3. What is your favorite canon ship?
Jaime/Brienne. Jaime was the perfect, devoted, and loving twin who would have fought off the world of singletons forever to keep him and Cersei together. But . . . as she wasn't devoted, he deserves someone who is just as loyal as he can be.

4. What is your favorite non cannon ship?
Arya/Gendry. I hope beyond hope that at the end of the series, Arya and Gendry meet back up and make angry little babies.

5. Who is your least favorite character?
Theon Greyjoy. You know, it isn't even that he betrayed Robb and ended up getting Winterfell burned to the ground, it's that he did it in such a self-indulgent, bratty, clumsy way. Idiot.

6. What is your favorite theory?
Rhaegar and Lyanna were totally in love and Jon Snow is actually their child.

7. Who is going to be the Stark in Winterfell in the end?
Sansa. She seems to be the only person headed in that direction. Plus, I think for someone who couldn't wait to get out of there, she's finally realized it's where she was happiest.

8. What is your favorite scene?
The chapter where Dany is in the warlock house. That was so well done.

9. You can sleep with anyone in these books, who is it?
Oberyon Martell. Before he died, clearly. He was beautiful and funny, passionate and very intelligent. I'm guessing I would have walked away from the encounter preggers.

10. You can kill anyone in these books, who is it?
Ramsay. He just really does not need to live.

11. What is your favorite quote?
"Never forget who you are, for surely the world won’t. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you." - the line that made me love Tyrion.

12. One last thing?
No one in the universe has ever complained as much as Stannis.

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